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You are currently visiting the English version of our website. The English version of our website is intended for informational purposes only and does not contain any product offerings or solicitations. Please note that the products and services of Wealth Management Partners N.V. (WMP) are not available to residents or entities outside of the Netherlands. WMP does not engage in any active marketing or solicitation of business outside of the Netherlands.

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact us directly.

About WMP

Team WMP


WMP has implemented various ESG related measures in its operations and processes. ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. The Dutch version of our website contains further information on how we integrated sustainability risks in our (investment) policy and what SFDR classification we have assigned to our products.

WMP Switzerland

In 2015 WMP founded the Swiss subsidiary Wealth Management Partners Switzerland (WMPS). WMPS is a 100% independent Swiss wealth manager, established in Zürich. WMPS also operates on the basis of long-term partnership with clients. WMP and WMPS follow the same investment strategy.

Supervisory Board

Since its formation, WMP has had a Supervisory Board. Strictly speaking, this is not required, but our profession comes with great responsibility and we welcome supervision and the contribution of ideas. This gives both us and our clients confidence. The Supervisory Board oversees remuneration policies, approves our budgets, has insight into the compliance function and advises on strategic decisions. The Boards meets four times a year.


WMP is a licensed Alternative Investment Funds Manager under article 2:65 of the Dutch Act on Financial Supervision (Wet of Financieel toezicht, Wft) and is also allowed, under Article 2:67a, section 2 Wft, to (i) manage investment mandates, (ii) provide investment advice on financial instruments and (iii) receive and transmit of client orders related to financial instruments.

WMP is certified in accordance with Directive 3402 type II, which is the highest qualification for process control. This means that we work in a structured manner and that our certified professional process covers a number of previously defined steps. We thereby maintain an extremely high level of service and self-evident discretion. In this context our Directive 3402 type II certification is an important quality label. For further details we refer to the attached document "ICAAP Publication".

WMP has adopted a controlled remuneration policy. This remuneration policy aims to contribute toward sound and effective risk control, and not to encourage us to take unacceptable risks, which are not in the best interests of our clients. WMP reports its capital position to the Nederlandsche Bank quarterly. The purpose of the report is to have WMP's solvency ratio monitored and ensured. For further details we refer to the attached document.

Wealth Management Partners NV is registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam under file number 27269025. WMP is a member of the Dutch Securities Institute (DSI). All our asset managers are personally registered with the DSI. The integrity, knowledge and professionalism of DSI-certified advisors is regularly assessed by the DSI. To retain their registration, staff are obliged to take and pass periodic tests.


WMP annually spends part of its net profits to charities. In this context, Goodplace (, an e-platform for charities, was supported in 2022. WMP's selection criterion is that one of our staff or clients is personally committed to the charitable cause in question.


WMP sponsors a limited number of community service initiatives each year. As with the charitable causes, the criterion is that one of our staff or clients is committed to the organization or association in question.